September 1 to 4, 2016 | 6.00 pm to 24.00 pm | Open Access
Visiting the International Light Project INTERFERENCE with Doolesha.

The Doolesha Collective is part of the initiative INTERFERENCE. From September 1 to 4, 2016, scattered through the heart of the Medina of Tunis, a course of light art installations by a collective of international artists is on display. To learn about the artists, the artworks, and the sites, Doolesha prepares a team of guides that will provide a unique approach to the urban night time experience.

The artworks of INTERFERENCE are open to the public from 6.00 pm to midnight. At every art site, visitors can find a site guide who seeks to discuss the art experience, to provide information and to answer all kind of questions. Or visitors can join a tour of selected artworks of the course – selected because there are too many to visit all of them in one night. The guides’ collective is coordinated by Mariem Essadi and Amin Gharbi.

Photo: Alaa Minawi. Beirut Spring Festival. (c) CNN Style Online